Satish sharmaSatish sharma
Cont. Professor (1988-Cont.), School Chairperson/Director (1986-93); Graduate Program Coordinator (1997-2003); bsw program Coordinator
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Name: Melvin SmallName: Melvin Small
Susan Atkins, M, "The Image of Germany and England as Models for Social Reform," 1966
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State of the Art in Computer Games: Challenges and Solutions Aleksandr Shnayderman cis 718 Expert Systems IntroductionState of the Art in Computer Games: Challenges and Solutions Aleksandr Shnayderman cis 718 Expert Systems Introduction
Artificial Intelligence usually aims at finding the best possible solution without considering all possible solutions. While trying to model situations which would require intelligence researchers frequently turn to games
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The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care The Commonwealth of MassachusettsThe Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. Each center has additional resources and materials particular to their site. Days and hours
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Cosmopolitanism as conformity and contestation: the mainstream press and radical politics. Natalie Fenton AbstractCosmopolitanism as conformity and contestation: the mainstream press and radical politics. Natalie Fenton Abstract
Cosmopolitanism as conformity and contestation: the mainstream press and radical politics
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Instructor: dr. Lawrence osborneInstructor: dr. Lawrence osborne
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Running head: innovation and leadership enabling Innovation: An Imperative for Meeting 21Running head: innovation and leadership enabling Innovation: An Imperative for Meeting 21
Enabling Innovation: An Imperative for Meeting 21st Century Challenges in Education
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Book and dvd summaries Books Those titles in blue are books which are not to go on the e-store now, but may be put on at a later dateBook and dvd summaries Books Those titles in blue are books which are not to go on the e-store now, but may be put on at a later date
To think during his fourteen years in a Communist prison. His meditations from those years are provocative, challenging, sometimes disturbing. They are the thoughts of man who has been close to God and close to death
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Presentations Abstracts Barrett, Catrice University of Pennsylvania Music in the pronunciation classroom: Are all approaches created equal?Presentations Abstracts Barrett, Catrice University of Pennsylvania Music in the pronunciation classroom: Are all approaches created equal?
In the role of teacher-researcher, I employ qualitative methods to understand how learners perceive and engage with the music-based pronunciation instruction; I also document the affordances and limitations of various activity types
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SafePlace Library Materials Birth Control (Models)SafePlace Library Materials Birth Control (Models)
Jackson, Jim. (1993). ConDude: Condom Education Kit. Jim Jackson & Company. Birth Control (Videos)
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Free Speech Does Not Protect Cyberharassment Danielle Keats CitronFree Speech Does Not Protect Cyberharassment Danielle Keats Citron
Danielle Keats Citron, a law professor at the University of Maryland, is the author of "Hate Crimes in Cyberspace."
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Authorship, Audiences, and Anonymous Speech Lyrissa Barnett LidskyAuthorship, Audiences, and Anonymous Speech Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Conversely, the Court emphasized the dangers of anonymous speech in McConnell V. Fec and qualified the right to speak anonymously, though none too explicitly
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Development of a Machine-Learning-Based ai for Go Computer Systems Research 2005-2006Development of a Machine-Learning-Based ai for Go Computer Systems Research 2005-2006
Since Deep Blue’s victory in 1997 over Gary Kasparov, the World Chess Champion of the time, the new forefront of artificial intelligence has been the ancient game of Go, developed in China 2500 to 4000 years ago
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Infectious pleasures: ethnographic perspectives on the production and use of illicit videogame modifications on the Call of Duty franchiseInfectious pleasures: ethnographic perspectives on the production and use of illicit videogame modifications on the Call of Duty franchise
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Liste Jazz SchallplattenListe Jazz Schallplatten
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